Experience Care in the Comfort of Your Home

The days of doctors making house calls are long gone for the most part. However, modern technology offers a new way for you to chat with your doctor without leaving the comforts of your own house: telemedicine. Using advanced platforms, you and Dr. Murphy of Holistic Medicine Wellness Center can communicate clearly, safely, and securely. Would you like to learn more about telemedicine from our St. Cloud, FL doctor of holistic medicine and how it works?

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What Is Telemedicine?

Simply put, telemedicine is an avenue through which health professionals can care for patients who are not physically present. It often involves diagnosis and treatment through electronic means. It has evolved in recent years, and since the outbreak of COVID-19, it has become more popular than ever. To take advantage of telemedicine and all its benefits, our clinic uses a secure platform that ensures your privacy as you discuss your concerns. In many cases, we can help diagnose problems and offer solutions without a patient having to step foot in the office.

Benefits of Telemedicine

Some of the most outstanding benefits of telemedicine include:
  • You will not have to leave the comfort of your own home.
  • It can save you time. Since you will not have to physically travel to our holistic wellness center, you will have more flexibility.
  • Of course, telemedicine is not suited for all medical conditions that we treat. However, it is very effective in certain situations.
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Uses for Telemedicine

Two of the primary services that Dr. Murphy offers via telemedicine include:

Wellness and Health Counseling

Dr. Murphy wants to help you enjoy an optimum quality of life, and he is ready to offer professional guidance to help you reach your wellness goals. Whether you are coping with chronic pain, striving to reach a healthy weight, or concerned about the challenges of aging, Dr. Murphy may be able to assist you via a telemedicine appointment. His science-based approach, combined with his supportive and empathetic personality, may give you the boost you need to live your best life now and for decades to come.

Ready to Request a Consultation?

The first step toward becoming a healthier, happier human may be as simple as scheduling a telemedicine appointment with Dr. Murphy. If you are ready to talk to him about your wellness goals, fill out the form below to request a consultation. He and our team look forward to serving you!

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